What to Expect at Your Helmet Evaluation

Updated: Feb 26, 2021

You can expect your first appointment with Orthopedic Motion to be thorough and non-scary for you and your baby. Our experts are efficient and highly experienced.

Consultations are always complimentary at OMI. We will need a copy of your ID and insurance card, you can use our website to upload these prior to the appointment. If you don't have time to do this before coming in then please bring these with you to your first appointment. Otherwise you don't need to worry about bringing anything except for your little one. We have toys and snacks available in our clean, comfortable patient rooms.

Once you head back you can expect to be seen in a timely manner. We will first interview you to understand your baby's development, including if they had any hospitalizations or were born prematurely.

After we get to know you both better you can expect a certified cranial remolding expert to examine your baby's noggin. With OMI, you get a fully comprehensive exam. We screen for any muscle imbalances or underlying conditions that could be contributing to your baby's head shape.

It is often the case that parents feel their baby's head may have flattening but they don't understand how to describe the severity. To determine severity, an evaluation for your baby at any age is appropriate.

Finally it is time for some measurements! It is often the case that parents feel their baby's head may have flattening but they don't understand how to describe the severity. Having measurements helps families understand if their baby's head is getting better or worse over time. Measurements guide the timeline for treatment and can impact on insurance coverage.

Our practitioners are highly trained to take measurements using a standard, medial/lateral gauge and measuring tape. There are 7 measurements we take by hand to determine Cranial Vault Asymmetry, Cephalic Index, and Ear Shift. These terms will be explained at the appointment but are used to discuss severity.

Following hand measurements you may then have a 3D scan taken of your baby's head using the Orthomerica, STARScanner. This scanner is safe for your baby and does not produce any kind of radiation. The technology is similar to that of a digital camera. The 3D scan gives us a visual representation of your baby's head and accurate measurements. Scans are used to provide authenticity to measurements for determining severity and insurance coverage. Scans also are able to quantify other concerns you may have including head height, ear shift, jaw shift, and suspected craniosynostosis.

Following measurements our experts will work with you to determine if a helmet is appropriate for your child. We follow the most recent research and guidelines when deciding if it is time for your baby to start a helmet.

Now that you have your measurements we can discuss whether or not your baby should continue to try positioning, needs referral elsewhere, or if a helmet is indicated. If it's time to start your helmet journey, we look forward to answering all of your questions and detailing what you can expect during this process. Our team is able to look into your insurance benefits or provide you with an out of pocket estimate for services. We pride ourselves on being transparent and upfront about your financial responsibility.

At OMI we value our patients and the patient experience. Our evaluations allow you to leave feeling confident about placing your little ones care in our hands. Call or click to schedule an evaluation today, we are always accepting new patients.

More Questions?

Do you have more questions that you want answered by our staff of experts? Head on over to our Q&A brunch. That's right, we like to think of our mom forum as a friendly trendy cafe where you can connect with others about the helmet journey.

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